Friday, May 24, 2013

Garden 2013 is in!

Plot 1

1 Rhubarb
1 Acorn Squash
1 Fairytale Eggplant (not planted yet in this picture)
Inside row r-l: 2 Melrose peppers, 2 chocolate bell peppers
Outside row r-l: 4 jalapeno

Close up of peppers

Crimson Rhubarb!!

Acorn Squash

Plot 2
4 zucchini
1 nasturtium
1 bee balm (lemon balm?, forgot)
Icicle radish
not shown: watermelon

The watermelon is in the open area, not planted here yet.

New tomato plot

Outside (fence side) row, front to back:
lemon thyme
Black Krim
Italian Giant Beefsteak
Box Car Willie

Inside row, front to back:
Black Krim
Giant Italian Beefsteak

Plot next to the tomato plot is a new bush bean plot.

Garden 2013! 

Oh, and I should have peaches this year! 
There are little peaches started! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Garden and Baby?

We've had an ongoing problem with a pesky woodpecker digging holes in our 3-seasons room. My husband closed up a big hole in the fall, and over the winter, Woody opened it back up. Before Jon could get it filled in again, I spotted a bluebird flying out of it. Crap.

He was able to check it out today. Yep, there is a tiny blue egg in there. I looked up some info on Eastern Bluebirds and they love spots like that. If this hatch is successful, I want to put up actual nest boxes for them next year. Bluebirds are supposed to be great for insect control.

I am checking out a new greenhouse this year. They are about a mile from the house and start everything from seed themselves. According to their Facebook page, they have heirloom tomatoes for $1.37/pack of 4. I don't need 4 of any of them, so I may try to sell or give away the others. OR I could just plant what I buy and either set up a small roadside stand or give away the extras. I will need lots to can and it takes a lot of tomatoes to make sauce.

I have it narrowed down to:

Heinz 1370, Italian Giant Beefsteak, Abe Lincoln, Black Krim and Box Car Willie

Jalapenos, Melrose, Chocolate Beauty Bell, Orange Blaze Bell and maybe one red or green bell

Zucchini (only 2 this year), eggplant, and a friend wants to put in a watermelon. 
Radish (to go to seed to protect against squash bugs)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hoosier Horse Fair

Jane and I went to Hoosier Horse Fair last month. I didn't get many pics, just a few of these little guys. I love the mini donkeys and want a few so badly!

April Pics

 I finally trimmed back the monster butterfly bushes (in the back).

I love my bunny welcome sign.

Damn woodpecker. 

Lovely daffodils

Bonfire this summer?

I still love my little chicken coop!

Pretty Ruby

Not the best pic, but Sutton has lovely coloring.

Madison keeping watch.

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